Request Free Rust
Server Trial
Get your free trial of a Rust server for 24 hours. Submit request now.
What you get with a FREE TRIAL RUST SERVER
We offer the same server specifications as our paid Rust servers
Our free Rust trial server includes everything we offer in our paid Rust servers. Important Note: All free trial server requests must be approved by me, Ahmer (Founder), to ensure there is sufficient capacity available on the server before approval. Trial servers are created on the same machines as the paid Rust servers and are available for 24 hours. Trial servers feature an Intel or Ryzen processor @ 4.70GHz, 15GB of 2666MHz DDR4 RAM, 60GB of M.2 NVMe storage, MySQL database support, and backup capacity, along with more features.
When a request is submitted, it is reviewed. If the request is accepted, you will receive an email containing your Billing Panel and Game Panel login details, provided you do not already have an account associated with that email. The trial server time begins immediately after the request is accepted. If your request is rejected, it will be due to insufficient space for a trial server. We recommend trying again in 1–2 days, once other clients’ trial servers have expired.